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Top 5 Best News Technology Android Apps

The speed at which technology is moving forward has actually moved at the speed at which we can use and understand it. Heck, I claim to be a tech blogger, want to take advantage of this, and I've failed to monitor blockchain, AI, self-driving cars, XR (AR + VR), and a large number of mobile industries. Maybe I'm following too many obstacles.

The thing is that a lot is going on, which is why we need a dedicated tech news app rather than a regular news app that covers everything under the sun. To deal with this problem, I began to look at some resources, which can be used with other sources. This is what I have discovered.

1. News Republic

News Republic is a re-launched version of the app. If you don't know, AppGake was a dedicated tech app that was popular among taxis and geeks. The app had a good UI but was discontinued and replaced with News Republic. Unlike AP News, News Republic covers most except news  technology. Well, this initially made me skeptical but the tech sector is quite solid.

As soon as you open the app, you will be greeted with a homepage that contains general news stories. Go to the follow tab and here you can add your favorite tech websites as a resource. There are many sources to choose from and you can follow any or all based on Tech News and your area of ​​interest. It comes with a smart algorithm that will show you more relevant news while using the app. There is a video tab for those who prefer to watch rather than read.

2. Feedly

The feedly is not an anonymous app for many, but the RSS is a great source of popular mass self-technical news. If you are not using it, download the app from the store and sign up. It is really easy. When you open the app for the first time, Fidel will ask you some basic questions, such as your preferences and options. It will show you a list of topics like technology, health, fashion, sports. Select Tech and Fiddle will automatically add many relevant and well-known sources to a separate folder.

The best thing about Fiddley is that it is free to use. If you want advanced features such as the ability to share and save articles in many third party applications, they offer subscriptions. If you want a UI that looks better with functionality and features, check out Flapboard. Here is our competition with the best readers of RSS for news consumption.

3. TechMeme

It is a great resource for getting up-to-date information and being at the forefront of the technology world. Now, Tecumseh does not have a dedicated Android app. So, you can either use Fiddle or Hop on their web app.

The home page has headlines with news snippets with a brief description. If you want to use more news in less space or just headlines, click on the river link. As the name suggests, it is constantly in the news. Here is a link to "Events" listing all the major events in the Tech world. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, there is a link that you can use to add all these events to your Google or iPhone calendar.

4. Materialistic Hacker News

For a long time, hackers News have been the go-to source for Newstack fans. It comes from the Combinator Group, known as the elite seed accelerator, a platform for startups and investors for over a decade. It acts as a social news feed site for most investors, startups and people who like to be at the top of their tech news.

In a sense, it will give you a feeling of reddit but only focus more. Voting and commenting can be done on any news feed. Are able to communicate.While they don't have a local application for Android, Materialistic is a cool application for Android that will permit you to expend Hacker Newsfeeds.

The application is free to use and comes without any advertisements or upgrades. Additionally, you can play with font size and readability mode.

5. Beebom

Last but certainly not least, an app from our friends in Beebom. It is a tech news app focused on current news and trends in and around the tech world. They cover trading news in 200 words or less which is a great way to stay up to date. They also make special picture videos for their mobile app which is really great. You can select your interests by category to get relevant updates in the profile area.

The best thing about the app is that it is completely free, i.e is free to download and is not ad-supported either. This is actually great because most tech sites that have apps also have advertisements. I found a great way to stay updated on trendy tech titles Beebom.

For Looking Further: Multan TV HD


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